Ready to go Question Sets
back part of a ship~aft~~the widest part of a ship from one side to the other~beam~~the front part of a ship~bow~~the part of a ship from which it is controlled~bridge~~a private room on a ship for a passenger~cabin~~the outside top part of a ship that you can walk on~deck~~the kitchen on a boat~galley~~a wheel or handle used for making a boat go in the direction you want~helm~~a small triangular sail near the front of a boat~jib~~a tall pole that the sails hang from on a ship~mast~~the side of a ship that is on your left when you are looking forwards.~port~~a small window in the side of a ship or plane~porthole~~a piece of equipment with blades that spin, used for moving a ship or aircraft~propeller~~a flat piece of wood or other material at the back of a boat or plane that is moved to change the direction of travel~rudder~~a large piece of strong cloth fixed to a tall pole on a boat, used for catching wind to move the boat across water~sail~~the right side of a ship, as seen by someone who is looking towards the front.~starboard~~the back part of a ship. The front of a ship is called the bow.~stern~~on or relating to the deck
e passengers sit in a hollowed tree part.~Log ride~~Game in which rings are tossed at an upright peg~Ring Toss~~Place that sells souvenirs~Gift shop~~Crisp deep fried cake with a sprinkle of sugar~funnel cake~~a place where snacks are sold~Snack bar~~Revolving machine with model horses or other animals on which people ride for amusement~Merry go round~~a mass of fluffy spun sugar, usually pink or white, wrapped around a stick or a paper cone~Cotton candy~~Small electrically powered car with rubber bumpers with the aim of bumping into other such cars~Bumper cars~~A ride consisting of a giant vertical revolving wheel with passenger cars suspended on its outer edge~Ferris wheel~~A building equipped with trick mirrors, shifting floors, and other devices amuse people as they wal
SHARKS (17) - QA
fan this these questions and answers about sharks are for you. Use the clues to help find the answers in this free word search shark game. Great worksheet for teachers covering this topic.~~~~
~~~~Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman's Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.~~~~The following questions and answers are used in this game~~A __ lives in the water, is long-bodied has a prominent dorsal fin and is usally predatory.~Shark~~Instead of bones, a sharks sekeleton is made of what?~Cartilage~~One of the biggest sharks is the great __ shark.~White~~Most sharks are __ , meaning they hunt and eat fish, marine mammals, and other sea creatures.~Predators~~Most sharks are __ blooded.~Cold~~The __ shark which has flattened blade-like extensions on either side of it's head with the eyes and nostrils placed at or near the ends.~hammerhead~~The __ shark is an aggressive shark of warm seas, with dark vertical stripes its body.~Tiger~~The __ of a shark are constantly replaced, in a lifetime it can lose and regrow as many as 30,000. ~Teeth~~The __ of sharks are used for stabilizing, steering, lift and swimming.~fins~~A sharks skin feels a lo
n priest’s favorite part of physics?~Mass~~What kind of chemical element hates to be a follower?~Lead~~What did the chemistry teacher do with his pet that died?~ Barium~~What period of time has the least weight?~ A light year~~What number do Nickel and Neon make when combined?~Nine~~Where do a group of fox scientist live?~ Density~~What did scientists say when they found 2 isotopes of Helium?~HeHe~~What can be measured, but has no length, width or height?~ temperature~~How do oxygen and potassium get along?~OK~~What do you get if someone throws sodium chlo
e water became __~Blood~~2nd plague: __ hopped all over~Frogs~~3rd plague: __ made all Egyptians itchy~Lice~~4th plague:These __ were capable of harming people and livestock~beasts~~5th plague:Plage on livestock~Pestilence~~6th plague:__ broke out on people and animals~Boils~~7th plague:__ came down from the sky~Hail~~8th plague:__ covered the ground and ate the fields~Locusts~~9th plague:No light can be seen~Darkness~~10th plague: Death of the Egy
he largest brain of any creature that ever lived on the earth?~elephant~~How may sets of teeth do elephants use during its lifetime?~six~~Each elephant ___ weights about 9 pounds.~tooth~~How do adult elephants sleep?~standing~~What is an adult male elephant called?~bull~~Elephants eat grass, leaves and tree branches they are ___.~herbivorous~~Elephants eat around ___ pounds of food each day.~three hundred~~A thirsty elephant can drink 50 ___ of water.~gallons~~What does an elephant use to suck up water?~trunk~~What are An elephant’s tus
cannot clap?~A Clock~~What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?~Towel~~How many months have 28 days?~All of them~~What word looks the same backwards and upside down?~SWIMS~~What never asks questions but is often answered?~A Doorbell~~Why was the broom late?~ It overswept~~How do you get a baby astronaut to sleep?~You rock it~~How can you make seven even?~Remove the S~~What has 4 eyes but can’t see?~Mississippi~~The more you take, the more you leave behind. What a
week does Daylight Saving Time start in the U.S?~Sunday~~In which month does Daylight Saving Time begin in the U.S.?~March~~Daylight Saving Time begins at __ AM.~two~~In which month does Daylight Saving Time end in the U.S.?~November~~DST stands for __ Saving Time.~Daylight~~Which country was the first to adopt Daylight Saving Time?~Germany ~~In which season do we change the clocks back?~Fall~~In which season do we change the clocks forward?~Spring~~The opposite of Daylight Saving Time is __ time~Standard~~How many minutes do we go forward for Daylight
Spring showers bring May~Flowers~~Female with grandchildren~Grandmother~~Good mood~Happy~~Two siblings born on the same day~Twins~~A nick name for children~Kids~~Another word for gifts~Presents~~Mother's Day falls on this day~Sunday~~Weather that happens in spring~Rain~~People you enjoy being around~Friends~~Male child~Son~~Tight squeeze~Hug~~Special meal between breakfast and lunch.~Brunch~~5th month of the year~May~~Yellow spring flowers~Daffodils~~Female child~Daughter~~A group of flowers~Bouquet~~Female parent~Mom~~Something you do after being told a joke~Laugh~~Name for mom, dad and children~Family~~A name for the day we celebrate our moms~Mothersday~~The season that follows winter~Spring
foods can you think of? This game has 16 of them, each with a clue. A filter (supplied with the game) must be used to find the food in the grid. Scan the grid through the filter holes starting with the top hole. All hidden words end with an exclamation point. If the revealed letters spell a something and end in an exclamation point then you have found a hidden word.~~~~This free game can be played at a party, as a group ice breaker or the morning after a slumber party.~~~~Changing the clues or other customization is easy, just follow the instructions on the product page.~~~~
~~~~Click here to
edit the game.~~~~The following questions and answers are used in this game~~~~salted and dried or smoked, usually sliced thin and fried~Bacon~~Cracked and comes from a chicken~eggs~~Prepared from grain often eaten with milk~cereal~~Highly seasoned minced meat stuffed in casings~sausage~~a small ring shaped friedcake~Doughnut~~Light sweet yeast raised roll usually filled with fruits or cheese~Danish~~Flat circular spongy bread roll made from yeast dough and eaten split, toasted, and buttered~English muffin~~Bread coated in egg and milk and fried~French toast~~Cooked potatoes that have been chopped into small pieces and fried until brown~Hash browns~~Grown on a tree and eaten when ripe~Fruit~~Sweet quick bread baked in a cup shaped pan~Muffin~~Made from rolled or ground oats~Oatmeal~~Beaten eggs or an egg mixture cooked until just set~Omelette~~A flat cake of thin batter fried on both sides on a griddle~Pancake~~Slices of bread that have been toasted~Toast~~Pancake batter bake