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BLUE (10) - QA
lue egg~Robin~~Large planet in our solar system~Neptune~~Type of popular clothing designed in 1873~Jeans~~a transparent precious stone~Sapphire ~~an injury that is healing~bruise~~Used in a pie~Blueberries~~a very large expanse of sea~Ocean ~~A famous Monster that likes to eat ___~Cookies~~The Blues ___ 1978 film~brothers~~political party in the Unite
Cover your __ when you cough~Mouth~~Wash your hands with __ and water to make sure they are clean~Soap~~Eat a health __ at the start of the day~Breakfast~~Getting __ at the doctors can help prevent diseases~Vaccinated~~Eating green __ can help keep you healthy~vegetables~~At night get plenty of __~Sleep~~Drink a couple of litres of __ a day~Water~~__ like biking, swimming, walking can help keep you healthy~Exercise~~Cut down on foods that have sweet __~Sugar~~Brushing your __ is good for you~Teeth
night and a Rook?~Chess~~This two player game has fifteen pieces which move between 24 triangles.~Backgammon~~Which game involves moving diagonally and captures by jumping over the opponents pieces?~Checkers~~This game involves buying properties, houses and hotels.~Monopoly~~This game is played on a 15X15 board, players create interlocking words for points.~Scrabble~~Played from 2 to 6 players the board is divided into forty-two territories, try to conquer the world.~Risk~~With this game by sinking your opponents fleet of ships.~Battleship~~This is a popular murder-mystery board game.~Clue~~In this game pieces fall by gravity in slots, four in a row wins.~Connect Four~~Which game is played on a 8×8 uncheckered board where pieces are flipped?~Reversi~~This 2 player game can be played with stones or beans, player who has the most pieces wins.~Mancala~~Roll 5 dice and score by obtaining certain co
MAKEUP (10) - QA
s in a tube and goes on the lips?~Lipstick~~__ is always a variant of pink or brown and in powder form.~Blush~~__ is a bottle of skin colored paint that goes all over the face.~Foundation~~__ is similar to foundation but for hard spots.~Concealer~~__ comes in two forms loose and pressed and applied with a brush.~Powder~~This makeup creates the illusion of having a tan.~Bronzer~~This makeup paint comes in many shades that caters to your eyelids. ~Eyeshadow~~__ almost always comes in dark hues and is applied with a pencil.~Eyeliner~~__ darkens and elongates eyelashes it comes in a tube which has a small black brush~Mascara~~Which product draws attention to the high points of the face and also adds
e water became __~Blood~~2nd plague: __ hopped all over~Frogs~~3rd plague: __ made all Egyptians itchy~Lice~~4th plague:These __ were capable of harming people and livestock~beasts~~5th plague:Plage on livestock~Pestilence~~6th plague:__ broke out on people and animals~Boils~~7th plague:__ came down from the sky~Hail~~8th plague:__ covered the ground and ate the fields~Locusts~~9th plague:No light can be seen~Darkness~~10th plague: Death of the Egy
Spring showers bring May~Flowers~~Female with grandchildren~Grandmother~~Good mood~Happy~~Two siblings born on the same day~Twins~~A nick name for children~Kids~~Another word for gifts~Presents~~Mother's Day falls on this day~Sunday~~Weather that happens in spring~Rain~~People you enjoy being around~Friends~~Male child~Son~~Tight squeeze~Hug~~Special meal between breakfast and lunch.~Brunch~~5th month of the year~May~~Yellow spring flowers~Daffodils~~Female child~Daughter~~A group of flowers~Bouquet~~Female parent~Mom~~Something you do after being told a joke~Laugh~~Name for mom, dad and children~Family~~A name for the day we celebrate our moms~Mothersday~~The season that follows winter~Spring
n priest’s favorite part of physics?~Mass~~What kind of chemical element hates to be a follower?~Lead~~What did the chemistry teacher do with his pet that died?~ Barium~~What period of time has the least weight?~ A light year~~What number do Nickel and Neon make when combined?~Nine~~Where do a group of fox scientist live?~ Density~~What did scientists say when they found 2 isotopes of Helium?~HeHe~~What can be measured, but has no length, width or height?~ temperature~~How do oxygen and potassium get along?~OK~~What do you get if someone throws sodium chlo
romes~~Half day~Noon~~used to address or refer to a woman in a polite or respectful way~Madam~~horizontal plane or line~Level~~similar to a canoe~Kayak~~automobile built for racing.~Racecar~~one's mother~Mom~~mention or allude to.~Refer~~administration in a city or town~Civic~~a system for detecting the presence, direction, distance, and speed~Radar~~expressi
week does Daylight Saving Time start in the U.S?~Sunday~~In which month does Daylight Saving Time begin in the U.S.?~March~~Daylight Saving Time begins at __ AM.~two~~In which month does Daylight Saving Time end in the U.S.?~November~~DST stands for __ Saving Time.~Daylight~~Which country was the first to adopt Daylight Saving Time?~Germany ~~In which season do we change the clocks back?~Fall~~In which season do we change the clocks forward?~Spring~~The opposite of Daylight Saving Time is __ time~Standard~~How many minutes do we go forward for Daylight