A water flume where passengers sit in a hollowed tree part.~Log ride
Game in which rings are tossed at an upright peg~Ring Toss
Place that sells souvenirs~Gift shop
Crisp deep fried cake with a sprinkle of sugar~funnel cake
a place where snacks are sold~Snack bar
Revolving machine with model horses or other animals on which people ride for amusement~Merry go round
a mass of fluffy spun sugar, usually pink or white, wrapped around a stick or a paper cone~Cotton candy
Small electrically powered car with rubber bumpers with the aim of bumping into other such cars~Bumper cars
A ride consisting of a giant vertical revolving wheel with passenger cars suspended on its outer edge~Ferris wheel
A building equipped with trick mirrors, shifting floors, and other devices amuse people as they walk through~Fun House
Amusement Park