Chemistry Riddles

What is a Christian priest’s favorite part of physics?~Mass What kind of chemical element hates to be a follower?~Lead What did the chemistry teacher do with his pet that died?~ Barium What period of time has the least weight?~ A light year What number do Nickel and Neon make when combined?~Nine Where do a group […]

Passover BINGO game – unique

Here is a unique BINGO game that can be used at your Passover Seder meal. To play, players first choose one of four pictures from the game sheet. Throughout the Seder the leader gives clues or the actual word that may be on the game sheet. Players who have the answer on their sheet fill […]

Passover 10 Plagues

1st plague: all the water became __~Blood 2nd plague: __ hopped all over~Frogs 3rd plague: __ made all Egyptians itchy~Lice 4th plague:These __ were capable of harming people and livestock~beasts 5th plague:Plage on livestock~Pestilence 6th plague:__ broke out on people and animals~Boils 7th plague:__ came down from the sky~Hail 8th plague:__ covered the ground and […]


This Easter use our free egg hunt word search game. Try to find all the words associated with Easter. The game can be played before or after an egg hunt or just for fun.   This game has the following Easter words: Answers Only~Basket Answers Only~Bonnets Answers Only~Bunny Answers Only~Candy Answers Only~Children Answers Only~Chocolate Answers […]


Unleavened bread~Matzah Lead Jewish people out of Egypt ~Moshe Ruler of Egypt ~Pharoah Sea that split ~Yam Suf What lead Jewish People at night in the desert?~Pillar of fire Number of Matzah at table~3 Number of cups of wine drunk at the Seder?~3 Type of the first of the four sons discussed at the Seder?~Wise […]

Things that help us go up

Don’t let this one pass you “UP”! We have made a list of questions and answers that help people go up. For example: a plane, elevator or balloon. The game we use is a match up game. The letters in the answers on the game sheet are jumbled to make the game a bit more […]

Beluga Whale

Education on safety comes in many forms. This game focuses on safety needed in a school laboratory. Science teachers who have access to a school lab and who have spent time teaching their students about what to and what not to do in a laboratory can use this free game to help reinforce the concepts. […]

Breakfast Foods

How many breakfast foods can you think of? This game has 16 of them, each with a clue. A filter (supplied with the game) must be used to find the food in the grid. Scan the grid through the filter holes starting with the top hole. All hidden words end with an exclamation point. If […]

Lab Safety

Education on safety comes in many forms. This game focuses on safety needed in a school laboratory. Science teachers who have access to a school lab and who have spent time teaching their students about what to and what not to do in a laboratory can use this free game to help reinforce the concepts. […]

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