What too is used to hit nails?~hammer What tool is used to rotate an object into place?~screwdriver What tool applies torque to nuts and bolts?~wrench Which tool has jaws that can be used to bend or compress objects?~pliers A ___ measure is like a very long ruler?~tape Which tool is used for establishing a horizontal […]


What is the thick hair around the face of a cat called?~Ruff What mood is a cat in of its tail is held high?~Happy What mood is a cat in of its tail is twitching?~Irritated What mood is a cat in of its tail is thumping?~Frustrated What mood is a cat in of its tail […]

Passover Portal

This Question Set contains a compiled list of geometry terms. Though not a conclusive list, it has over 30 definitions. Because of the amount of questions and answers it could be used for a group game like BINGO or Play on Words.

Geometry Terms

This Question Set contains a compiled list of geometry terms. Though not a conclusive list, it has over 30 definitions. Because of the amount of questions and answers it could be used for a group game like BINGO or Play on Words.

Famous Board Type Games

This question set contains a list of 12 famous board type games. The following games may involve counter or pieces that are moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or “board”, according to a set of rules. Some games are based on pure strategy, but many contain an element of chance; some are purely chance, with no element of skill.

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