Passover the Seder
The parts of the Seder transliterated
The parts of the Seder transliterated
The 10 plagues of Passover
Make a game with these environmental questions
Trivia and facts
Wall~Pared Paper~Papel Backpack~Mochila Map~Mapa Lights~Luz Book~Libro Schedule~Horario Globe~Globo Teacher’s desk~Escritorio Notebook~Cuaderno Computer~Computadora Calendar~Calendario Eraser~Borrador Trash can~Basura Board~Pizarra Pen~Pluma Teacher~Profesora Door~Puerta Student’s desk~Pupitre Ruler~Regla Clock~Reloj Chair~S`illa Ceiling~Techo Scissors~Tijeras Chalk~Tiza Window~Ventana
Jewish Holiday
Dog Breeds
hand tools
Presidents’ Day
White House
trivia facts