Earth Day

Inspire your students, kids or anyone to our wonderful Earth and its natural environment. These 10 questions, answers and game were created for Earth Day that takes place each year on April 22. The free game chosen for this topic is a code breaker game. Depending on the player, the game can between 10-15 minutes […]

Healthy Habits

Healthy habits should be part of our daily lives. Little things like drinking water and getting enough sleep can cause and impact on a person’s health.  This small list of healthy habits is used in a free word wheel game. The game has questions that have to be matched with one of the plates on […]


If you are a shark fan this these questions and answers about sharks are for you. Use the clues to help find the answers in this free word search shark game. Great worksheet for teachers covering this topic. Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, […]

Chemistry Riddles

What is a Christian priest’s favorite part of physics?~Mass What kind of chemical element hates to be a follower?~Lead What did the chemistry teacher do with his pet that died?~ Barium What period of time has the least weight?~ A light year What number do Nickel and Neon make when combined?~Nine Where do a group […]

Beluga Whale

Education on safety comes in many forms. This game focuses on safety needed in a school laboratory. Science teachers who have access to a school lab and who have spent time teaching their students about what to and what not to do in a laboratory can use this free game to help reinforce the concepts. […]

Lab Safety

Education on safety comes in many forms. This game focuses on safety needed in a school laboratory. Science teachers who have access to a school lab and who have spent time teaching their students about what to and what not to do in a laboratory can use this free game to help reinforce the concepts. […]


Weak spot in the crust where molten material or magma comes to surface~Volcano A molten mixture of rock forming substances, gases and water from the mantle~Magma Magma that comes to earths surface~Lava Major volcanic belt that is formed by the many volcanoes that rim the pacific ocean~Ring of fire A string of islands formed by […]

The Skeleton

Twelve pairs of ribs form the flaring sides form the __ cage?~throacic Eighty bones make up the __ skeleton?~axial What is a dagger shaped, flat bone that lies in the anterior midline of the thorax?~sternum The head rests on the occipita __ of the spine?~Condyle What is the largest strongest bone of the face?~mandible What […]

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