Mothers Day

Use this free Mothers Day crossword game as a gift or activity Words start here: Spring showers bring May~Flowers Female with grandchildren~Grandmother Good mood~Happy Two siblings born on the same day~Twins A nick name for children~Kids Another word for gifts~Presents Mother’s Day falls on this day~Sunday Weather that happens in spring~Rain People you enjoy being […]

Earth Day

Inspire your students, kids or anyone to our wonderful Earth and its natural environment. These 10 questions, answers and game were created for Earth Day that takes place each year on April 22. The free game chosen for this topic is a code breaker game. Depending on the player, the game can between 10-15 minutes […]

Healthy Habits

Healthy habits should be part of our daily lives. Little things like drinking water and getting enough sleep can cause and impact on a person’s health.  This small list of healthy habits is used in a free word wheel game. The game has questions that have to be matched with one of the plates on […]


If you are a shark fan this these questions and answers about sharks are for you. Use the clues to help find the answers in this free word search shark game. Great worksheet for teachers covering this topic. Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, […]

Chemistry Riddles

What is a Christian priest’s favorite part of physics?~Mass What kind of chemical element hates to be a follower?~Lead What did the chemistry teacher do with his pet that died?~ Barium What period of time has the least weight?~ A light year What number do Nickel and Neon make when combined?~Nine Where do a group […]

Passover 10 Plagues

1st plague: all the water became __~Blood 2nd plague: __ hopped all over~Frogs 3rd plague: __ made all Egyptians itchy~Lice 4th plague:These __ were capable of harming people and livestock~beasts 5th plague:Plage on livestock~Pestilence 6th plague:__ broke out on people and animals~Boils 7th plague:__ came down from the sky~Hail 8th plague:__ covered the ground and […]


This Easter use our free egg hunt word search game. Try to find all the words associated with Easter. The game can be played before or after an egg hunt or just for fun.   This game has the following Easter words: Answers Only~Basket Answers Only~Bonnets Answers Only~Bunny Answers Only~Candy Answers Only~Children Answers Only~Chocolate Answers […]

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